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Apply for the 2025 Young Composers' Programme


Applications are now open for the 2025 ORA Singers Young Composers' Programme, a free composing scheme for students from non fee-paying schools across the UK.


Apply for your chance to become a Young Composer or an Apprentice.


Please check you meet the below criteria before applying.

  • Applicants must be born on or after the 1st September 2006 and be in attendance at a UK secondary school. 

  • Applicants must be resident in the United Kingdom. 

  • Applicants must attend a UK non fee-paying school (e.g. State, Grammar, Comprehensive school, Sixth Form College, Free School). Applications from fee-paying or private schools will not be accepted. 


Application Form:

2025 Young Composers Programme

Personal Details

Date of Birth

If the applicant is under the age of 18, we require parent/guardian consent to accept their application. Please complete the following: 

School Details

The ORA Singers Young Composers' programme is open to all students in attendance at a non fee-paying school. If you attend a fee-paying school, or are home educated, your application will not be accepted. 


Personal Statement

There are no correct answers to the questions below, we just want to get a true picture of your experience and, more importantly, your potential! We will be considering both your composition and your Personal Statement when we come to choosing our Young Composers and Apprentices, so please make sure you answer all the required questions.

To check character limits and to save your progress, we recommend drafting your answers separately, in Word or similar, before pasting them in the boxes below. This form does not automatically save. 

On our website you can explore our commissions and listen to them for free.

You can listen to them here.

Upload Entry Composition

Applicants are required to upload an Entry Composition as part of their application. This will be used to assess applications alongside the Personal Statements. 


Entry Compositions may be a complete work, or part of a work, but must be no longer than 10 minutes.


This does not need to be a brand new piece. It can be anything you've written before, and it can be for any genre and instrumentation. Please note, the ten selected Young Composers will be asked to write an a cappella vocal piece. You won't be at a disadvantage if you upload a piece in any other genre.

File Formats

  • You must upload a sound file (Mp3/Wav/M4a)

  • If you have a notated score, you should upload this in addition to your sound file, as a PDF or a clear JPEG.

  • If you don't have a notated score, but have any visual supplement, such as a structure plan, or a graphic score etc, please upload this in addition to your sound file.

  • All files should be uploaded as direct files, and not links. Links to YouTube, Soundcloud, websites or other web hosts will not be accepted. Submissions should not be sent via email or post. 

Before uploading, please name your files: FIRSTNAME-SURNAME-MP3/PDF


Terms and Conditions are available at the top of this page.

Equality and Diversity Monitoring 

ORA Singers is committed against discrimination under the Equality Act 2010, and seeks to build an accurate picture of the make-up of applicants for the Young Composers' scheme. The data collected in this section will be kept confidential. Completing this form is voluntary, all questions are optional and the information you submit will not be part of your formal application.

How would you best describe your gender?
Do you identify as a transgender person? (a transgender person is someone whose gender identity or gender expression does not correspond with the sex which was observed at their birth) ?
What is your ethnic origin?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
If you have a disability, please indicate if you have:
Do you have an official diagnosis of a neurodivergent condition?
Do you consider yourself to be neurodivergent?
What is your religion or belief?
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